Todd Fraser on 13-08-2010
Categories: Exam Preparation
The CICM first part exam has been running for a few years now. Judging by the pass rates in the first couple of exams, the bar is set pretty high.
The issue that this raises is...
Todd Fraser on 11-08-2010
Categories: Case studies in ICU
This week's blog was sent in by Andrew Stapleton :
"I am getting considerable grief from the respiratory physicians for refusing to intubate a 67 yr old man with longstanding CO...
Todd Fraser on 28-07-2010
Categories: Controversies in ICU
We're implementing a new sedation-agitation protocol in our unit. Its been a very interesting exercise in evidence based medicine.
While delirium, as defined by the CAM-ICU sco...
Todd Fraser on 26-07-2010
Categories: Controversies in ICU
This week's blog was suggested by Shailesh Bihari, and relates to the timing of tracheostomy. Its clear that there is considerable variation in timing between units and indeed bet...
Todd Fraser on 17-07-2010
Categories: Case studies in ICU
This week's pickle was a 30 year old woman who was 29 weeks pregnant. She presented with a week of viral sounding prodromal symptoms and a cough. She was having frequent contract...